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The Royal Geographical
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2024 Geography’s Big Week Out

Wednesday, October 23, 2024 9:50 AM | Anonymous

by Rachel Honey

The 2024 Geography’s Big Week Out (GBWO) commenced in Canberra this year with fieldwork taking place in both Kosciuszko National Park and in Canberra. After flying into Canberra Airport on Sunday afternoon the team headed to Jindabyne, our base for the next two nights. 

Photo: Students at the top of the Porcupine Rocks track

Data capture commenced on the second day at the Perisher Resort, the first of four sites, where students were asked in teams of four to assess each site’s engagement with Youth Tourism and sustainability. After a talk by the Ranger, we took on the spectacular 5.6 km Porcupine Rocks Track, which provided us all with amazing views of snow-covered peaks across the length of the main range, and for a number of the students, their first opportunity to play in snow.

The third day took place in Thredbo. A chairlift ride to the top of the range provided the group with ever expanding vistas while the return journey gave them a birds-eye view of Thredbo Village and its setting. The group also got to experience the newly installed Alpine Coaster, which was a hit with everyone. After lunch in Thredbo, we began our journey to Canberra, however due to a closure of the Monaro Highway in both directions, the group had to spend an unscheduled night in Cooma. There was a lot of scrambling by the leaders, however the students took it all in their stride as part of the experience.

The next morning, after the drive from Cooma, time was spent at the National Arboretum with an engaging Indigenous officer talk, an orienteering exercise and a visit to the National Bonsai and Penjing Collection. A visit to the National Zoo and Aquarium (NZA) in the afternoon was a highlight where the group was given a tour of Jamala Lodge and a ride through the zoo in open vehicles ending with talks addressing the NZA’s sustainability practices and opportunities that are on offer for Geography related careers.

The week concluded with the students sitting the test to determine the participants of the 2025 iGeo to be held in Bangkok, Thailand. The selected students will be announced early in 2025.

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