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The Royal Geographical
Society of Queensland Ltd

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Notice of Meeting

Wednesday, August 29, 2018 9:40 AM | Anonymous

Annual General Meeting - September 11, 2018

Notice is hereby given to members of the Society that the 2018 Annual General Meeting of The Royal Geographical Society of Queensland Inc will be held:

at Lavalla Centre, 58 Fernberg Road, Paddington, 4064.

on Tuesday, the 11th of September 2018, commencing at 7:30 pm, see map on page 8 for directions to the venue.

The business to be transacted at the meeting is:

(i)         to receive the Council’s Report and the Statement of Income and Expenditure, Assets and Liabilities of the Society for the financial year to 30th June 2018.

(ii)        to receive the Auditor’s Report in respect of the financial year to the 30th June 2018.

(iii)       to appoint the Auditor in respect of the financial year to 30th June 2019.

(iv)       to elect members of the Council.

Explanatory Notes

Business items (i) – (iii)

Material supporting these items (Council’s Report and the Financial Reports, including the Auditor’s Report) will be available for those attending the meeting, and will be added to the Society’s website following the meeting.

Business item (iv) Election of Members of the Council

Under the Rules of the Society, all Councillors retire from office each year, and a new Council is elected by members. The Society Rules provide for a Council of thirteen (13) members. Any member may nominate (and be seconded) for election as a Councillor, and nominations can be lodged at any time up to the commencement of the meeting. For a copy of a Nomination Form, please contact us at The functions of a Councillor are set out in a document ‘Role Description – Councillors’, which can be obtained from the Executive Officer, or any current Councillor.

The following current members have nominated for election to the Council for 2019 (and positions where indicated):

Bob Abnett, Paul Broad, Jennifer Carter, Iraphne Childs (President), Duncan Cook, Ian Francis, Peter Griggs (Vice President), Margaret McIvor (Secretary), Leo Scanlan, Chris Spriggs (Treasurer), John Tasker.

AGM Format

  • 7:30 pm - Annual General Meeting;
  • Presentation on new RGSQ premises (delivered by Bob   Abnett, Chair of Gregory House Standing Committee);
  • Tea, coffee and light supper.

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The Royal Geographical Society of Queensland Ltd.
Level 1/28 Fortescue St, Spring Hill QLD 4000  |  +61 7 3368 2066
ABN 87 014 673 068  |  ACN 636 005 068

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