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The Royal Geographical
Society of Queensland Ltd

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From the President - October 2020

Thursday, October 29, 2020 11:08 AM | Anonymous

From the President

Dear members, I hope you are keeping well and enjoying our spring weather. Lots of opportunities to do gardening if you are able to. I have really enjoyed catching up with many members on the phone over the past few weeks. Thank you for taking time to answer my calls and to have a chat. It has been a good opportunity to know more about members personally. 

The AGM: In the final week of September you will receive documents (e.g. Notice of Meeting, 2019-2020 Annual Report to Members) relating to our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 20 October. In recognition of Covid-19 related restrictions and in line with current corporate guidelines the meeting will be held via teleconferencing this year, utilising the ZOOM platform. There will be no in-person attendance at Gregory Place for this year’s AGM. While varying from what would apply in normal circumstances, arrangements will achieve the same outcomes of giving all members the opportunity to register their vote, either via an RGSQ website poll or via postal vote, on important resolutions. The voting paper is a simple one-page document listing the resolutions listed in the Notice of Meeting which also includes information on nominating councillors, participation in the AGM via teleconference using Zoom and the voting procedure. All members are encouraged to participate in the on-line AGM meeting. If you wish to participate but do not have access to appropriate on-line facilities contact the RGSQ office to explore alternative access possibilities. Please feel free to ask any questions relating to the AGM process and /or any matters related to the AGM by calling the RGSQ office on 3368 2066.

RGSQ 2021 calendar: The Publications committee have been working to produce the RGSQ 2021 calendar using 12 images from the competition entries, including the 3 prize-winning entries. Calendars should be ready for sale in October at $15/each via the RGSQ website online shop & at RGSQ premises. The price for postage will be additional based on weight for the number of calendars purchased. An order form will shortly be distributed to members. We hope you may consider this option for your Christmas presents this year!

The photo competition: The RGSQ Publications committee met on 8th September to judge the 45 photo entries submitted by 15 members for the inaugural RGSQ Geographic Landscapes photographic competition. Judging was anonymous (i.e. without entrants’ names attached to images) and criteria used for judging included composition, geographic feature, storytelling, creativity, emotion/expression. Thank you to all members who entered the competition and congratulations to the prize winners:

Stuart Watt, 1st prize (2-nights at O’Reillys): Qld Channel Country above Cooper Creek

John Fairbairn 2nd prize (12 months free membership): rocks & lone fisherman, Point Lookout, Stradbroke Island

John Tasker 3rd prize (bottle of red wine): reflections in Wivenhoe Dam at sunset

I look forward to seeing you “remotely” in your homes at the AGM zoom meeting.

Dr Iraphne Childs


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The Royal Geographical Society of Queensland Ltd.
Level 1/28 Fortescue St, Spring Hill QLD 4000  |  +61 7 3368 2066
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