The Royal GeographicalSociety of Queensland Ltd
Geography in Conversation
Guest speakers, Dr Geoff Heard, Science Advisor for the Threatened Species Index (TSX) at the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN). The TSX integrates long-term monitoring data for Australia’s threatened species to estimate abundance trends. A key focus of Geoff’s role is assisting to get the hard-won data of Australia’s ecologists into the TSX, including working with data providers to generate reliable time-series of abundance or occurrence rate from their data. Two endangered species projects will be covered. Sheena Gillman, BirdLife Australia Honorary Life Member, on the Eastern Bristlebird. Once common, this shy, ground-dwelling bird is now critically endangered and on the top 20 list of Australia’s most endangered bird species and David Harper, Principal Conservation Officer with the QLD Department of Environment and Science, Threatened Species Operations. Dave has been working to help conserve and recover the hairy-nosed wombat since 2006.
Eastern Bristlebird; photo taken by Rosie Booth, supplied by Sheena Gullman. Northern hairy-nosed wombat -
Each speaker will have 8-10 minutes to spotlight their work.
During the Q&A forum the audience will have 60 minutes to ask questions of the experts on their projects.
Date: Tuesday 26 September 2023
Members registering please post your questions on notice to the GIC forum:
OR non-members Email
Time 5.30pm light refreshments – doors open @ 5.15pm
Q&A Forum 6.00 – 7.30pm. Mingling 7.30 – 8.00.
Address: Gregory Place, Level 1, 28 Fortescue St. Spring Hill
Cost: $5.00 for refreshments, included in registration.
Cost: $5.00 Members
$10.00 Non-Members
$5.00 Students
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The Royal Geographical Society of Queensland Ltd.Level 1/28 Fortescue St, Spring Hill QLD | +61 7 3368 2066ABN 87 014 673 068 | ACN 636 005 068
Patron Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young PSM, Governor of Queensland
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