The Royal GeographicalSociety of Queensland Ltd
Join the RGSQ Young Geographers in welcoming the new year and new members with a board games social night hosted at University of Queensland. Bring your strategy skills and be prepared to have a good time as we get to know each other over the best geography-themed board games our games shelves have to offer!
We'll have some pizzas and a selection of board games to choose from. If you have a favourite game or snack you'd like to share, feel free to bring it along. This free event is for geography (and geography adjacent - ie. planning, environment, science) students and early career professionals to meet existing RGSQ Young Geographers and grow their community.
When: Friday 1st March, 5pm onwards
Where: Room 314/315 (Planning Studio), Steele Building, UQ
What: Board games, pizza and socialising
Cost: Free! Bring your favourite game or snack to share if you'd like
Everyone is welcome so bring a friend along if you'd like. Just please RSVP so we can coordinate numbers for food & games.
See you there! ~ RGSQ Young Geographers
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The Royal Geographical Society of Queensland Ltd.Level 1/28 Fortescue St, Spring Hill QLD | +61 7 3368 2066ABN 87 014 673 068 | ACN 636 005 068
Patron Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young PSM, Governor of Queensland
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