Geography in Conversation
Speakers: Dr Stefan Hajkowicz is a chief research consultant in CSIRO working at the interface between science & technology and policy & strategy. His work helps decision makers in government, industry and community organisations explore plausible futures and make wise choices. Dr. Peter Scarth an adjunct at the University of Queensland. He is also a co-founder and technical director at Cibo Labs, an agricultural data analytics company. He is also a director at Ozius, where he leads efforts to apply computer vision and AI at scale. Dr Md Abdul Bashar is a data science expert, specializing in data mining, deep learning, and artificial intelligence. He holds a PhD in Data Science from QUT (earned in 2017). With over 10 years of research and development experience, he has made significant contributions to the field through impactful projects funded by the Australian Research Council, government agencies, and private organizations.
Geospatial artificial intelligence (GeoAI) is an emerging and promising research field that integrates AI with geospatial science to resolve problems and issues of geographic nature (Li and Hsu, 2022). GeoAI can be applied to land use, traffic flow optimization, flood and deforestation detection, and much more.
Each speaker will have 8 minutes to spotlight their work.
During the Q&A forum the audience will have up to 60 minutes to ask questions of the experts on their projects.
Light refreshments are served before you settle in for an informed conversation on a topic of interest to us all.
Please post your questions on notice to:
Time: 5:30 pm light refreshments – doors open @ 5:15pm
6:00 – 6:30 pm Presentations
6:30 – 7:30 Q&A Forum
7:30 – 8:00 Mingling
Place: Gregory Place, Leve 1, 28Fortescue St. Spring Hill
Cost: $5.00 for refreshments, included in registration.
Cost: $5.00 Members $10.00 Non-Members $5.00 Students