Five Deeps Expedition
Presented by Keith Treschman
This topic covers the attempt by one explorer, backed by his crew, to reach the deepest part of each of the 5 oceans in a submersible. How are the oceans demarcated? How does one measure these large depths? How does one determine the deepest part of an ocean?

Image: Victor Vescovo and his submersible "Limiting Factor"
Keith has taught Science for over 40 years in Queensland secondary schools. He holds a PhD in Astronomy, an area in which he is passionate. He has visited the 7 continents and enjoys geographical places, for example, Hawaii, Great Rift Valley of Africa, Galápagos Islands, Jordan River, Central Asia and Antarctica.
His past talks to the Map Group have been: a. Mapping the Night Sky; b. Areography (Geography of Mars); c. Struve Geodetic Arc; d. Seabed 2030; e. Life on Europa? An Application of Geography; f. Plate Tectonics; g. How the USA States got their Shapes
Costs: $5:00 which includes a special morning tea.
Limit: 35
Register and pay on the website
Coordinator: Kay Rees