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  • Workforce Diversity and Inclusion in the Geospatial Industry

Workforce Diversity and Inclusion in the Geospatial Industry

  • Tuesday, March 25, 2025
  • 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Gregory Place, 1/28 Fortescue St, Spring Hill Qld 4000
  • 28


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Geography in Conversation

Speakers: Michael Krome

Michael Krome, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Australian Spatial Analytics. Michael is a seasoned spatial professional with over 25 years of experience building and growing products and professional services businesses. Michael has been a leader in the GIS, surveying, CAD and BIM domains, including founding and growing professional services organisations to deliver strategic advisory, technical delivery and operational support for clients in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Michael also has a passion for employing more neurodivergent talent in the Geospatial and Digital Engineering professions.

Denver Hu

Denver Hu is a GIS Analyst with a Master’s degree in Geographic Information Science from the University of Queensland. He has two years of experience in geospatial analysis, spatial data management, and cartography. Currently working at Eco Logical Australia, Denver supports projects in the environmental and mining sectors, where he manages spatial data, produces maps, and conducts spatial analysis to support project goals. He is skilled in using tools like ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Enterprise, QGIS, and FME to deliver accurate and efficient geospatial solutions. Denver is passionate about applying GIS technologies to solve real-world problems and contributing to meaningful projects.

Emma Hain

Product Manager and Senior GIS Specialist at North Road Consulting. Emma plays a key role in advancing open-source GIS applications, including QGIS core development, through international co-funding and crowd-funding initiatives. She is actively involved in community building within the FOSS4G space, having previously served as Program Chair for the Oceania Conferences. Emma has been involved in the GIS field since 2000, beginning her training in the Australian Army before transitioning to civilian roles in infrastructure and environmental management.


A diverse, equitable, and inclusive workforce is essential for driving innovation and fostering creativity within the geospatial industry. By bringing together a wide range of perspectives, experiences, and problem-solving approaches, diversity enhances the ability to address complex challenges. Geospatial data and technologies often intersect with social, environmental, and economic issues, making it crucial for the workforce to be representative and inclusive of all communities. Prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion ensures that the workforce is responsive to these challenges and encourages broader participation. In this discussion, we are joined by speakers who are not only leading the DE&I agenda in the geospatial field but also those who navigate the challenges and reap the benefits of a more inclusive workplace.


Each speaker will have 8 minutes to spotlight their work.

During the Q&A forum the audience will have up to 60 minutes to ask questions of the experts on their research.

Light refreshments are served on arrival. This is a chance to network with colleagues and friends interested in this topic.

Please post your questions on notice to:


Date: Tuesday 25 March

Time:  5:30 pm light refreshments – doors open @ 5:15 

             6:00 – 6:30 pm Presentations

             6:30 – 7:30 Q&A Forum

             7:30 – 8:00 Mingling 

Place: Gregory Place, Level 1, 28 Fortescue St. Spring Hill 

Cost: $5.00 for refreshments, included in registration. 

Cost: $5.00 Members 

          $10.00 Non-Members 

          Free Students 

Photo ASA workforce photo supplied by ASA.

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