Is Qld Going Batty?
Geography Matters, July 2023
By Dominique Thiriet and Tyron De Kauwe
Dominique Thiriet who has been a flying fox rescuer, carer and advocate in North Queensland for 30 years. Dominique has a background in science, administration, law and politics. Dominique will be interviewed by Tyron de Kauwe, the Natural Areas Conservation Officer with the Sunshine Coast Council. Tyron has a Masters in Wildlife Management whilst working full-time at the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital and has been with SCC since 2018. He works primarily on flying-fox conflict management along with kangaroo conservation, defensive birds and other urban wildlife education and research projects.
This presentation will consider the ecological importance and roosting behaviour of the 2 main species of flying foxes found in North Queensland. It will examine the multiple attempts to remove colonies from various locations and assess their impact on the animals, the environment and the communities.